Waves of Grief
Marie and I met in 8th grade and she quickly became one of my closest friends. We were two peas in a pod. We graduated together and life...

An Ordinary Day I Will Never Forget
Summer has come to a close and Autumn is approaching quickly. As I drive to work in the morning, I feel the crispness in the air and the...

Having Done All
I grew up in a house where fighting was always wrong. Maybe it's because our house had no boys only girls, but my view of the word...

The King Inside
Any romance lovers out there? I am a sucker for a good chic flick. I thought I would share one of my favorite love stories in the Bible...

My Problem with Christmas
Christmas is my favorite time of year. In the Cody house- the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade kicks off the Christmas season. Once Santa...

Family & Ministry: Together or Separate?
This is one of the top questions we have as ministry families. I think this relates to anyone with a career and a family but ministry is...